How technology affects students vs teachers


Tom Raftery

Katelyn Welle, Staff Reporter

In the past two decades, technology has dramatically changed. From landlines and desktops to smartphones and laptops, this movement has had a major impact on people of all ages. Most Mounds View teachers spent their school years with little to no technology, while teenage students today have grown up with technology embedded in every facet of their lives. This discrepancy has influenced the way teachers and students view the impact technology has had on their lives and the learning environment.

Most current students at Mounds View are the generation that has grown up with technology everywhere. From Chromebooks at school to cell phone usage throughout the day, many students would not be able to imagine themselves in a world without constant technology use. “I would say I use technology in one form or another very often throughout my day,” said Ashley Solheim, 12. “From social media with my phone [to] homework assignments on Chromebooks, technology is very prominent in my life.” When asked how she felt about the increased use of electronics at school, Solheim explained why she does not believe the increased reliance on technology is beneficial. “I do not personally like the transfer from paper to computers because I definitely learn better when physically writing notes down,” Solheim said. “Technology in all forms can easily be a distraction from tasks that need to get done.” Biology teacher Aaron Ogdahl echoed Solheim’s thoughts. “I only use technology like Chromebooks if it helps the goal of the lesson that I’m going for,” Ogdahl said. “Otherwise, if it’s about the same then I’d rather have [students] using pencil and paper.” 

In contrast, Zoe Fallgatter, 11, approved of the reliance schools have developed on technology. “Technology has made it easier at school to study before a test and to look up something I’m confused on or don’t know. While the technology available during childhoods of students and teachers vary greatly, the age they were introduced to technology does not necessarily affect their opinion on increased technology use.

The use of technology has also debatably affected human connection. French teacher Madame Narum believes society spends too much time on phones and not enough time interacting with each other, which harms mental health. “We are comparing ourselves online to other people, but we all know that we only post the best parts of our day,” Narum said. “I think if we got off our phones and devices more and actually interacted with each other it would be better.” Brynn Mills, 9, disagrees with this and believes that technology and social media does not take away from the time spent with family and friends. “[Using technology] hasn’t really impacted my life at school or at home: I just use it when I have free time,” Mills said. Mills also mentioned that her phone and social media life do not interfere with sports or other activities. She is able to bond with friends during that time without electronics becoming a distraction.

With all the technological advancements in this day and age, it is almost impossible to predict the future of technology and how that will influence the generations to come. Who knows what new advances will be around as our generation grows up and how our generation will react to new and developing electronics.